
Biden and Democratic Party groups raised $97 million in final quarter of 2023

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President Joe Biden’s campaign and affiliated fundraising committees powering the Democratic National Committee and state parties raised $97 million in the final three months of 2023, the campaign announced Monday, citing a significant closing boost from small-dollar donors.

Biden’s campaign also announced that his political machine had $117 million available to spend as 2024 begins, sending a signal about what the eventual Republican nominee will face just as the GOP begins its nominating process Monday with the Iowa caucuses. 

The haul builds on the $72 million and the $71 million that Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee and joint fundraising committees feeding state Democratic Party organizations raised in the second and third fundraising periods, respectively. Exactly how much the respective fundraising entities raised won’t be known until the campaign files its year-end reports with the Federal Election Committee, which are due Jan. 31.

“This historic haul — proudly powered by strong and growing grassroots enthusiasm — sends a clear message: the Team Biden-Harris coalition knows the stakes of this election and is ready to win this November,” campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said in a statement. “Our democracy and hard-fought basic rights and freedoms are on the line in 2024, and these numbers prove that the American people know the stakes and are taking action early to help defeat the extreme MAGA Republican agenda again.”