
All Have Seen Their Smoothness Level!

The Great Elephant went to the polls last Saturday to select the persons to represent the party in constituencies with sitting Members of Parliament (MPs) for the upcoming December 7, 2024 polls. The election marked the watershed in the political journey of some, and the end for others.

I was elated when I heard the victory of the Director of Political Affairs at the Office of the Chief of Staff at the Presidency, Frank Asiedu Bekoe, aka Protozoa.  He beat the incumbent MP, Hon. Oboafo Kwadjo Asante, to become the party’s candidate in the Suhum Constituency. Protozoa’s wealth of experience in political affairs, coupled with his dedication to public service, positions him as a formidable contender in the race for the parliamentary seat, come December this year.

His role within the Office of the Chief of Staff has provided him with a nuanced understanding of governance, policy-making, and attributes that he aims to leverage in representing the interests of the constituents. His victory is no surprise at all because his support to numerous party folks, yours truly inclusive, is a matter of public knowledge. I wish Protozoa well, and will not hesitate to contribute generously to his campaign!